Category Archives: Eyeroll-worthy News

Eyeroll-worthy news:I know McNuggets are the shizz…but…

OrangeyaIf you haven’t already heard, a woman called the police numerous times because McDonalds was out of nuggets. That’s not the full story of course–I think what drove her to call in the first place was that they wouldn’t give her a refund. Although I can’t be sure, because she did say “this is an emergency, my McNuggets are an emergency“. Which–look, I know nuggets are one of those comfort foods from our childhoods that we kind of can’t stop ourselves from getting sometimes…but they are not an emergency.[Side note:am I the only one who misses those little styrofoam boxes they came in with the little area to store your nugget sauce? No, I know I’m not—they talked about that in one of the I Love the 80s installments]
Listen to her calls here

And if you look at the other stories on the righ of that page, she’s not the only Floridian to call 911 over a fast food chain not having what they want.

I don’t get why they didn’t just give her a refund in the first place though. I also don’t get how people get so worked up over fast food(because, for real, she could have just driven a few more minutes to another McDonalds). I worked at McDonald’s for 2 years as my first job(and we killed it:our service was fantastic) and people got pissed off at the most random, stupid shit. Let me let y’all in on something: getting worked up and yelling in that environment only does one thing: guarantees we will be back in the break room making fun of your ass on our next break. We’re not tripping over your outburst over having to pay for that extra slice of cheese. ‘Nother little tidbit: Remember when McDonald’s had that 2 for $2 special on either Big Macs or Quarter Pounders? I once has someone ask me “How much is the 2 for 2?”. SMH.

Damn, I think I want a Quarter Pounder now…

Photo credit: Orangeya on flickr